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Cover of A. Escoffier's 1907 Guide to Modern Cookery
The Cookbook and Home Economics Collection: https://archive.org/details/cbk. Title link: https://archive.org/details/cu31924000610117

This blog brings unpictured cookbooks alive!

My first project focuses on the set menus in A. Escoffier’s ‘Guide to Modern Cookery’ from 1907.

I received this cookbook about classic French cooking as a birthday present along with another beautifully illustrated modern cookbook. As Escoffier’s classic book has no pictures, I was inspired to create and share pictured versions of the recipes with some more detailed instructions and commentary for the contemporary kitchen. I hope they inspire you in your kitchen!

The A. Escoffier’s ‘Guide to Modern Cookery’ has 2973 recipes to explore. I’m starting this blog with the focus on the recipes that are featured on his suggested menus.

You can download your own copy of the classic here: Guide to Modern Cookery or explore many other great books at Internet Archive’s Cookbooks and Home Economics Collection.

Focus on the set menus!

The Escoffier offers 58 menu suggestions, some with wine suggestions. We are exploring these to bring you seasonal menu suggestions.

My Mission is Simple: Let's get interesting recipes without pictures illustrated.

If you would like to contribute your recipe instructions and pictures, and would like me to publish them, please get in touch. We will do the editorial work and hosting. 

Camera and food on kitchen table
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash